The Woodlin Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association is an active organization of parents, guardians, family members, teachers, and staff working together on behalf of our children. Find more information on our website
Stay Connected!
The Woodlin PTA maintains a WhatsApp community with groups for announcements, discussion, and groups for each class. QR codes to join will be available at the beginning of each school year.
Are you on the PTA Listserv? If not, you need to be! The listserv is the primary means of communicating with the Woodlin community about upcoming events and meetings, school news, and parent inquiries related to school happenings.
Learn about the listserv at Messages should be respectful and limited to PTA/Woodlin/MCPS-related topics.
Please review the Guidelines before posting, and remember that replying to a message from the listserv will send your response to all of the subscribers.
Woodlin PTA Calendar 2024-2025
2024-2025 Woodlin PTA Calendar
Calendario 2024-2025 PTA Woodlin